UPDATE: Click here for fun stuff.
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I don't know if you guy's know fingerboarding.
But i think it's pretty fun at all.
Here's me doing a Heelflip.
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UPDATE: I'm lvl 7 already =DD. Let's boooogiee ..!!!
Again. >=]
UPDATE: Help Cronic22, recommend the Skate Flash Collab 2 to the skating collection.
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Hey there! =D
First of all; YayyZz i'm lvl 6!!! =DD. Let's boooogiee ..!!!
Second: The 100 Frame Skate Collab.
Since my 50 frame collab seemed to be used before, i didn't work out well.
So my mate Sistem69 and I decided to go on with a 100 Frame Skate Collab, and since my Batting Average is 3.01 it isn't illegal..!
Here's the topic
Thirth: Board Switch.
I'm making a movie with ( in my opinion ) one of the best animators on NewGrounds, MarcyVF.!
It will be called board switch, it will be about skateboarding & about changing styles..!
Or did i say too much now, Marcy?
Fourth: Bye, thanks for reading =DD